It's here The new blog is up....
posted by Jon | 20:29 | say something | Tuesday, January 04, 2005 just what I needed I'm comin back.... expect a new blog within the next week or two.
posted by Jon | 21:10 | say something | Sunday, February 01, 2004 4 and a half months since my last post. I didn't really plan on going AWOL, but I haven't felt like blogging anything until now. If I haven't lost too many readers due to no updates, I may post more often.
posted by Jon | 18:27 | say something | Friday, September 12, 2003 new (sort of) blogger Honi's got a blog now. She's actually had it for a month and I had no idea till she told me today. Then I felt obligated to blog about it. So thank Honi for the new post. posted by Jon | 14:20 | say something | Monday, September 08, 2003 Ok I'm in my third week of school and I think this is going to be a good year. All my classes are fun, all my teachers are at least somewhat not-boring, I'm keeping busy with ACM, I'm getting paid more at Papa Juan's, I'm meeting lots and lots of really cool people, and I'm trying a few different churches around Pensacola (I'm not leaving Trinity or anything, but sometimes I don't feel like driving all the way to Valparaiso).
posted by Jon | 09:46 | say something | Friday, August 22, 2003 Sorry for the lapse....just haven't felt like blogging. Every minute spent online is precious, and I've got lots to do. I'm sure once school starts I'll need some form of escapism to keep me sane, so I'm sure I'll be blogging more often pretty soon. posted by Jon | 09:27 | say something | Saturday, August 16, 2003 All done We're all moved in. The set-up looks NICE. Our last apartment was so empty compared to this one. I'm gonna miss having a balcony, but it'll be nice being able to park right at the front door and not have to climb 3 sets of stairs. We'll also be doing without internet [not even dial-up], so I'll have to drive over to the computer labs [where I am now] to check my e-mail and whatever else. So if you don't see me online, call me. You'll have better luck reaching me that way.
posted by Jon | 11:59 | say something | Thursday, August 14, 2003 Today This is the day where we move everything over into our new apartment. Sam, Matt, Micah and Devonte are gonna help John and I with the really heavy stuff. I got the keys to the place yesterday — it's small, but really pimpin'. Wood cabinets and counters, 2 big closets [we had to share 1 in the last apartment, so this is good], lots of trees, and far away from the road [so traffic noise won't be so bad]. Inspection is at 9AM tomorrow morning, then all we have to do is unpack everything and wait for the cable/electricity to get hooked up. Gonna be fun. posted by Jon | 07:32 | say something | Wednesday, August 13, 2003 "Steak Raises Stakes for Kerry in Philly" According to this article via the Washington Post, Senator John Kerry may be in trouble come voting time for ordering a sandwich at a Philadelphia diner with Swiss cheese rather than Cheez Whiz. I hope this is just stupid speculation. I wouldn't vote for the guy to begin with if I did live in Philly, but not because he ordered something I wouldn't. God-fearing, wise men are good candidates — not a guy who's "in touch" with the general public [Kerry is neither]. posted by Jon | 12:05 | say something | Tuesday, August 12, 2003 article from The Hill on the true influence of blogging "There is no doubt blogging is something to think about. Blogcount has estimated that there are more than 2 million blogs, though many never touch on politics. Although estimates are that just 4 percent of the online community reads blogs, they are followed by a better-educated and more upscale, influential audience than that for talk radio. Bloggers claim that their musings and influence over journalists indirectly forced Trent Lott to resign as GOP Senate majority leader after his Strom Thurmond remarks." [...] posted by Jon | 14:45 | say something | Today's Friday Five: I know it's not Friday, but I'm bored and I can post whatever I want, so here:
posted by Jon | 14:29 | say something | My friend Micah just found out the hard way why I stay away from Bacardi 151 posted by Jon | 13:47 | say something | Sunday, August 10, 2003 'Yes' is the answer to your question I'd forgotten how good Meet Joe Black was. Sam and I watched that and Moulin Rouge on the way down to Tampa last weekend. Really made the 7-hour trip seem short.
posted by Jon | 12:39 | say something | Friday, August 08, 2003 this unmarked chopper flew up to the apartment earlier this afternoon and chilled for a good 20 minutes just hanging there a couple dozen feet over the pool. that was weird. posted by Jon | 20:16 | say something | It really irks me when an automated phone system won't take voice commands. Most cellphones don't have touchtone, and seeing as lots of people use only their cellphones to conduct business, you'd think companies would try and accommodate them. It's also frustrating that banks take 3 to 5 business days to get anything done. I can't wait for the day when banks and other companies reach a level of speed and convenience that match the internet's capabilities. It'd be nice to get everything done the second you need it done. I've been able to get my end taken care of [mostly with help from Paypal] , now all I need to do is wait for everything else to catch up. posted by Jon | 14:12 | say something | yet another useless japanese product posted by Jon | 01:15 | say something | baptismal regeneration I need to know more about this. I've kind of got it figured out for myself, I think, but I'd like to know what those wiser than myself have to say. Are there any books on the subject worth reading? posted by Jon | 01:08 | say something | the immediate future This next week I've gotta get everything packed so we can move into a smaller apartment in the same complex on friday. I've gotta get the cable and electricity transferred over there, and I've gotta get the place cleaned for inspection. I've already got Mike's and Dan's old rooms all cleaned out, but the kitchen needs a good cleaning (not bad really, except for the fridge and oven). I've gotta make some calls and office visits to get Papa John's on campus during new-student orientation (bureaucracy is what's gonna make that a pain). I've gotta work on the church's website and get started on one for a guy at church. I need to squeeze an oil change in there somewhere. I need to see about switching to a better plan with Alltel — they've got plans that are way better than what I've got now for less than I'm paying now, and my contract with them was up almost a year ago, so it shouldn't be a problem for them to switch me. If it is, I'll just go somewhere else.
posted by Jon | 00:53 | say something | Thursday, August 07, 2003 the TPC Advance is this November (6th - 9th). The brochure's up. You can download the pdf here. posted by Jon | 12:52 | say something | Tuesday, August 05, 2003 for those who weren't as impressed with the ROTK teaser... Finally, work on the trailer will begin in late August.
posted by Jon | 11:09 | say something | |