Friday, September 12, 2003  

new (sort of) blogger

Honi's got a blog now. She's actually had it for a month and I had no idea till she told me today. Then I felt obligated to blog about it. So thank Honi for the new post.

posted by Jon | 14:20 | say something |
Monday, September 08, 2003  

Ok I'm in my third week of school and

I think this is going to be a good year. All my classes are fun, all my teachers are at least somewhat not-boring, I'm keeping busy with ACM, I'm getting paid more at Papa Juan's, I'm meeting lots and lots of really cool people, and I'm trying a few different churches around Pensacola (I'm not leaving Trinity or anything, but sometimes I don't feel like driving all the way to Valparaiso).

Stephen, James, Jason, John and I are all completely moved in now. Stephen, James and Jason have a townhouse 5 minutes away and John and I are still at the Fountains. We all have keys to both places, and we've designated mine and John's apartment (because it's closer to campus) for hanging out between classes, eating and being lazy, and the townhouse for napping and studying. I may post some pictures before long.

posted by Jon | 09:46 | say something |