Found on Drudge: America to build super weapons The Pentagon is planning a new generation of weapons, including huge hypersonic drones and bombs dropped from space, that will allow the US to strike its enemies at lightning speed from its own territory.
posted by Jon | 21:53 | say something | Sunday, June 29, 2003 new site coming... Anybody know how to get blogger to post inside a textbox? I can't get it to read the code from inside the form. posted by Jon | 22:04 | say something | posted by Jon | 21:38 | say something | Out of Control Ex-Prez Bill Clinton on Media Mayhem posted by Jon | 13:15 | say something | Saturday, June 28, 2003 cool article from about The Passion: Mel Gibson says he attended Mass every morning while shooting his new movie, The Passion, because "we had to be squeaky clean just working on this." [...] posted by Jon | 18:10 | say something | Send in the Penguins "Where are the they? Aren't there penguins living up in the Ice Bay of Forochel and the frozen north? There's a whole bunch of stuff about the Lossoth, the Snowmen who helped Arvedui when he was in trouble. If Tolkien goes to the trouble of creating the equivalent of Inuit tribes living in the coldest regions of the planet, then there must be penguins somewhere. Hey, after all, he was fond of Polar Bears (remember the Father Christmas Letters?). I love penguins -- it wouldn't hurt to have a little mention of one, would it? Remember that fox that was puzzled when he saw three hobbits sleeping in a fir-wood out in the country… that should have been a penguin. He would have been puzzled too."
posted by Jon | 17:58 | say something | Wil Wheaton's blog He's the guy that played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Well, he's got himself a blog, and it's pretty cool. I was gonna post the link, but I came across the following:
posted by Jon | 16:21 | say something | this score's not right
posted by Jon | 12:23 | say something | Friday, June 27, 2003 from Micah: Highlight the ones you've seen:
posted by Jon | 23:52 | say something | by the way... The guy at the shop says there's something stuck inside my transmission. Wonder what it could be.....
posted by Jon | 23:46 | say something | Isaiah had these on his blog the other day: "Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel shamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver." -Jack Handy
posted by Jon | 23:44 | say something | nice skate stunt Right-click this puppy and select Save Target As. posted by Jon | 22:54 | say something | Thursday, June 26, 2003 173 days left!
posted by Jon | 23:39 | say something | blue blue windows behind the stars
posted by Jon | 13:55 | say something | Sunday, June 22, 2003 posted by Jon | 18:41 | say something | almost as fun as miniput: posted by Jon | 18:05 | say something | Friday, June 20, 2003 Weird Al is playing Gulfport, MS, in August. I just might go. posted by Jon | 20:30 | say something | Thursday, June 19, 2003 dang posted by Jon | 18:04 | say something | Wednesday, June 18, 2003 Chavez: "Yes, brother. How are you?" Castro: "Tell me and let me see if I hear you. Tell me you haven't returned yet."
posted by Jon | 20:45 | say something | Monday, June 16, 2003 stupid cows posted by Jon | 20:52 | say something | a little okaloosa history "Okaloosa County acquired 3-miles of Santa Rosa Island in 1950. The acquisition of Okaloosa Island culminated the efforts of U.S. Representative Robert F. Sikes, who introduced the bill authorizing the transfer. The community of Destin, the world's luckiest little fishing village, was founded by Captain Leonard Destin in 1945. It adopted the ways of its New England founder."
posted by Jon | 15:17 | say something | a few links for killin' time homeless serving as billboards.
posted by Jon | 14:55 | say something | Remix of the Song of Solomon Get this song and woo yourself a lady. Thanks to 'Thanael for the link. posted by Jon | 12:35 | say something | Thursday, June 05, 2003 Since when is ketchup fancy? posted by Jon | 19:40 | say something | fire alarms The building's fire alarms briefly went off last night and woke me up. Reminded me of the first week in the apartment last August when they went off in three of the buildings here around 4 in the morning. Drove everybody out of their apartments — except for Josiah and Ben, who apparently prefer sleep to hearing. Some punks must've pulled the alarms, I guess trying to revive the excitement of the party that was supposed to be the grand finale to summer and a kick-off to classes.
posted by Jon | 19:05 | say something | Monday, June 02, 2003 I wrote my name in concrete today. A few months ago my roommate John found his uncle's name on a sidewalk from when he used to go to UWF in the early seventies. Wonder how long it'll be there. posted by Jon | 21:42 | say something | Sunday, June 01, 2003 AHHHHHH Organizational Behavior is over. Good thing, too, cuz psychology is really dumb — or at least the stuff they teach us at UWF. I will say this, though. I've had really fun groups and I've had really productive groups, but the group I had in this class was both. We had a great time and got a lot of quality work done, even with one of our members going into labor the day before our final presentation. Wish all my groups could be this tight. The class was only 4 weeks, too (I think they do classes this way in Europe - I know they do in Finland, not sure bout the rest of the continent). I really liked that — most of my 16-week classes feel like such a waste of time. posted by Jon | 20:33 | say something | |